The reason why so many people read TERFs’ posts and agree with them before learning that they’re TERFs is because TERFs regurgitate radical feminist ideology without fully understanding it. They cherry-pick around discussions of sex abolitionism and transmisogyny and only present the small portion of radical feminist ideology that they can weaponize to attack and invalidate trans women. Radical feminism as a movement is not the enemy; historically, it’s been the preferred type of feminism for women of color, lesbians, and yes, trans women as well. It has roots in the LGBT community and original gender abolitionist theories frequently discuss transmisogyny, especially in relation to racism and lesbophobia. Modern radical feminism has taken the words of brilliant women like Audre Lorde and Barbara Smith and twisted them around to advocate violence and discrimination. So yes, a TERF’s post may contain accurate reflections on the role of gender in our society, but the very fact that they are transmisogynistic means that they have broken apart the bigger picture, mitigating the relevance of their claims.